The Most Charitable Celebrities

Some celebrities prefer to compile and flaunt their wealth, but others like to share. We made a list of celebrities who have philanthropic deeds and what they are famous for. We can't list all of them, but we thought we might introduce you to some of the well-known names.

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen is not only a talk show host but a dedicated philanthropic. She is famous for many giveaways on her talk show. Still, beyond that, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barak Obama, and raised over three million with the famous Oscars selfie, the proceeds from which were donated to The Humane Society and St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Oprah Winfrey

The famous media mogul and former host of a talk show have a long resume in philanthropy. She was also partly responsible for the National Child Protection Act, which was later referred to as the “Oprah Bill.” She also spends millions of dollars on education, women and children advocacy, healthcare, reliefs created for national disasters.

J.K. Rowling

Rowling was the first author to make the Forbes billionaire list. The rise was because of her Harry Potter books mainly. But she quickly lost her place because she donated over a hundred and sixty million dollars to different charity organizations.

Angelina Jolie

Jolie has years of experience in charity when it comes to refugee rights. She was also appointed Special Convoy to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In addition to that, she founded the Jollie-Pitt foundation.


Beyonce has promoted feminism more than any other performer in recent years, and her good deeds don't stop there. She also founded the Survivor and Beygood Foundations, and she supports causes like relief efforts, toy giveaways for children, and feminism.

Nicki Minaj

The famous rapper has had a history of donating to villages in India via her church. She is also renowned for paying off some of her Twitter followers' student loans and other school expenses in 2017. The celebrity is mostly proud of her philanthropic work.

John Legend

The famous singer established three powerful foundations that help children education, America's criminal justice system, and helping African villages in need. His philanthropic deeds were inspired after reading The End of Poverty by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs.

Emma Stone

The popular Harry Potter actress has a long career in not only acting but philanthropy as well. She reportedly donated a million and a half for the UK Justice and Equality Fund (anti-sexual harassment). Besides that, she is also a UN Goodwill Ambassador and encourages people to donate to important charities.


Rihanna is mostly known for her efforts to bring education to children who need it around the world. She founded the Clara Lionel Foundation Global Scholarship Program (providing education in the US for students from Caribbean Countries) and is a recipient of the Harvard University Humanitarian of the Year Award.